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Easter Sunday Worship Service and Celebration

Apr 9, 2023, 4:00 – 7:00 PM

Palo Alto Foothills Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

For our Easter service we invite every member to bring plants or flowers and we are going to turn the chapel into a veritable garden celebrating resurrection! After the service we will gather on the patio to eat sweet breads together (we welcome contributions), and then we are going to release a flock of white doves!

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Special Easter Sunday Service 

On Easter morning (April 9) in the Foothills Ward you can anticipate a meaningful worship service planned by the bishopric and our ward's musicians. But we're adding some additional elements -- big elements -- so we can magnify the meaning of Easter and revel in symbolism. Those elements include:

- Plants and flowers! We're inviting everybody to come to church with flowers or plants in hand. We're not kidding! Everybody! We want to set up an enormous, completely gob-smacking array of growing things in the chapel, lining the front, going down the aisles even, creating an unforgettable visual spectacle. What kinds of plants? It hardly matters! You can cut something from your yard (or use this as a reason to approach your neighbor), and bring it in a jar. Or you can bring that potted plant you've got in the corner. How about those greens along your fence? Or why not purchase a fistful of daffodils from Trader Joe's for 99 cents and bring those in a jar! Literally anything goes!

***Note that you will take these home with you again after the service, and we hope you'll consider delivering them as Easter tidings to a friend or neighbor.

***Note also that the bishopric is going to send you home with a packet of starter seeds so you can mark Easter by growing your very own white lilies of the valley.

- Bread! As a religious symbol it was already rich, even before the Savior declared himself the bread of life. We'll be making this particular symbol real and participatory in two ways on Easter Sunday.

First, Suzy Jackson, one of our ward's storied Breadmakers, is baking loaves of her very best bread to be used for our sacrament. Our priests will be breaking that bread into larger-than-normal chunks to symbolize Christ's body on this special Sunday of Sundays, and it will be passed to the congregation by our bishopric.

Second, we'll gather on the patio after church, to keep breaking bread together! We're inviting those inclined to contribute to the supply of breads. What kind of breads? The sweet kind! The yeasty kind! The ones that are most highly contrasting to the unleavened bread that characterize the old testament, and which witness the risen Christ of the new testament! Sweet rolls! Feather-light rolls! Orange rolls! Cinnamon rolls! Hot cross buns!

- Doves! You read that right: we're going to release a flock of white doves. On the Bishop's cue, they will flutter skyward, circle three times, and fly north to their home in a living symbol of resurrection, ascension, and salvation. We'll watch them grow smaller in the horizon till they disappear from view, and then we'll all clutch each other as we part, saying "did our hearts not burn within us?"

Please come ready to be vital participants in a meaningful and memorable Easter celebration. Why? Because Christ is risen, risen indeed.

This service is for everyone.  Consider this your invitation to attend.

To prepare for this Easter Sunday Worship Service learn about what happened during Holy Week

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